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The sole purpose of this website and its contents is to inform the visitor in good faith about the activities of the Sinepol Shipping and Agency BV and its respective subsidiaries (hereafter together: “SINEPOL”). No representation is made or warranty is given regarding the completeness and/or accuracy of the information presented on this website. Acting upon the available information is for the sole risk of the visitor and it is strongly advised to check such information on beforehand with SINEPOL.
By accessing this website, the visitor agrees that SINEPOL is not liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use of the information and material available on this website.

Hyperlinks to third party websites are solely intended to direct the visitor’s attention to said third party’s websites. Listing such hyperlinks is in no way an endorsement by SINEPOL and SINEPOL has no control over such websites or their respective content. This disclaimer and SINEPOL’s privacy statement do not extend to any website outside SINEPOL.

This website and its contents are subject to copyright. It is not allowed to copy, recreate, transmit, distribute, display or create derivate works of this website without the explicit consent of SINEPOL.

SINEPOL’s website and its contents are construed in accordance with, and governed by, Dutch law. Any disputes regarding this website or its contents are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


SINEPOL’s website uses various cookies. The default settings of this website are visitor friendly and most browsers automatically accept cookies. If the visitor wants to prevent the placement of cookies on their respective device, it is advised to change their respective browser settings to not accept cookies. Cookies can be deleted at any time. In order to delete cookies already placed, the visitor is referred to their respective browser and its settings.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are stored on the visitor’s computer, holding the details of the visitor’s activity on that particular website. Cookies assist in analyzing the website’s traffic and allow web applications to respond to each individual/unique visitor. By recording the visitors preferences and input, the web application’s operations are customized to each individual visitor, enhancing the browsing experience. Some cookies might contain personal data, e.g. when the visitor fills out the contact information sheet, a cookie might store the visitors input.

Cookies Used by SINEPOL
SINEPOL’s website uses cookies to accommodate the visitor in the best possible way and to enhance the browsing experience on the SINEPOL website. These cookies allow SINEPOL to get a better insight in the use of the website, enabling SINEPOL to optimize its website to the visitors benefit. Please note that SINEPOL does not sell advertising space on their website and does not make use of cookies from advertisers.The following cookies are used on SINEPOL’s website:

1. Functional cookies:
Functional cookies are a necessity as it allows the website and its features to work properly. Without functional cookies certain services or parts of the website would not function properly or be disabled. Functional cookies are also necessary for the visitor’s experience as it remembers certain settings such as the input on the contact information sheet.

2. Analytical cookies:
Analytical cookies gather information on the visitor’s use of SINEPOL’s website. Through this information SINEPOL gets an insight in the visitor’s behaviour and searches, allowing SINEPOL to tailor and adjust the website accordingly. By doing so, SINEPOL can enhance the visitors browsing experience. The analytical cookies used by SINEPOL are designed by Google Analytics and set privacy friendly.

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